Friday, July 22, 2022

Day 7: Silver Islet

 July 22

Today we arrived at Silver Islet, Ontario which is just a short distance from our final destination (Thunder Bay) where our adventure ends tomorrow morning.  At last night's briefing our program director showed slides and talked about the one and only General Store which would be right at the pier and described how they had some of the very best cinnamon buns EVER.  So without a shore excursion, our plan was to skip breakfast....ride the tender to shore, and go to the General Store for some of those yummy delights.  

The plan went as we anticipated until we arrived at the store and found it was CLOSED and would not open until noon, the sign said.  So much for our breakfast and our great self-made excursion.  It s a VERY small place (only SIX residents live here year round!), but with the temperatures in the 50's we took a short walk.  First up one road along the waterfront for about ten minutes.....doubled back, turned right up and incline for another ten minutes.....doubled back.  And we were about to go down the one and only remaining road when two older gentlemen were approaching us.  The one inquired if we were from the ship, we said yes and asked if he lived here.  He said yes.  We asked if he lived here even in the winter.  He said yes, and then said, that's my house right up there (pointing two homes up the road), why don't you come with me and I'll show you my house and some photos of the place in the winter.  Maybe it was a good idea, or maybe he was a serial killer - we didn't think about it (though I did wonder how smart we were for the next 45 minutes) but we followed our new friend, who introduced himself to us as "Ted" as he showed us is home right on the waterfront and around the neighborhood.  He was quite the talker and we enjoyed our visit and our own personal tour .... though I kept wondering if THIS was the moment when he stuffed us in a closet and we'd never be heard from again.  But all's well that ends well I guess.  

As we left Ted's home and approached the General Store they were opening, even thought it was only about 9 am!  So this DID work out well!  We went in, they greeted us and we went to the back portion of the store which was a cute little diner and were told it would be about 30 minutes before the baked goods were ready.  So we went outside and enjoyed the view of the waterfront (and Ted rejoined us briefly).  

Went back inside and as we did another guest asked about the cinnamon buns and the answer was, "in about twenty minutes."  So we sat down at a table with a checkers game set up and played a game.  Just as we were finishing (about ten minutes later) someone else approached the counter and were told, "The cinnamon buns will be ready in about 20 minutes or so."  ANOTHER wait?  We debated and finally decided our adventure in Silver Islet was finished.  Just caught the tender to the ship and got back on board.  Shortly there after we met Mary Pat and Tom for lunch and then did some packing before our excursion on the Special Operations Boat.  The temperature outside was in the mid-60s and we thought it would be chilly.  I only had a long sleeve shirt and sweater until we arrived at the meeting place at 2 pm.  The one driver was there and he looked like he'd just left Antarctica - and the air from outside on the water felt PRETTY chilly.  Kim suggested I go get my jacket so I did.  The driver then told us he was ready and that it would be VERY cold, but fun.  So we boarded the boat and were lowered out the back of the ship.  

We buzzed around the area, saw the old silver mine and then rode around aimlessly bouncing high off the waves - which were pretty rough.  Cold?  YES - we were told with the temperature of the water, being in the open and riding around it was a "feels like" temp in the upper 30's....was glad I had my jacket for sure!  Nearing the end of our time we motored back near the ship and we hovered for about twenty minutes.  First we got to see all the "water toys" floating along side the ship.  Then we watched as first the submarine was hoisted out of the water and back into it's spot inside "The Hanger;" then got to watch the ramp lower out of the back of the ship and the other SOB maneuver up the ramp and be pulled inside "The Hanger."  All pretty cool to see from on the water.  

The Tender (left), another Special Operations Boat, and on the right a submarine

With our final "excursion" over we exited the boat but hung back and I asked our guide if he minded taking a photo of us with the SOB.  Unlike the first time when the guide seemed in a bit of a rush and said we could do it when we visited the hanger, this guide was more than accommodating.  Took several photos, then wanted to take another set from another angle.  Very appreciative.

Our final meal on board was at Manfredi's after a reception for guests.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Day 6: The Soo Locks & Scenic Sailing

July 21 

This morning we awoke to be "on the move!'  And just where are we you may ask?  So here's a map of this portion of the trip.  You can see Mackinac Island where we were the first day on the can see Georgian Bay where we've been the last three days.....and then you see the line departing Frazer Bay, sailing south out of Georgian Bay then heading towards Lake Superior by way of the Soo Locks.  

The early part of the morning was quite foggy, very breezy, and chilly (low 60's - which we were delighted to experience since nearly all the clothes we'd packed had been in anticipation of that kind of weather, not the upper 70's we've had so far).  At about 10 am they announced you could take a tour of "The Hanger" where all the the "toys" are stored (the Special Operation Boats, the Zodiacs, and the Submarines).  Went down to get a close-up view of them!  And while there talked to one of the officers, Karl, about his experiences on board Viking in the Antarctica.  Gave us some good tips on what kind of clothes to bring and wear.  

Right as we were finishing there it was announced that we were about 20 min to a half hour from the locks and that the best place to watch was on the forward bow on either Deck 3 or 4.  So the four of us met there and began the anticipation as the ship slowed while we approached.  We saw "civilization" for the first time in many days with the city of Sault Ste. Marie and then rounded the bend to see the approaching locks.

As we got up to the locks we could see we were going to be lowered the 21 feet to get us level with Lake Superior and were told that this would bean that some 22 MILLION gallons of water would be drained from our lock.  We'd been told earlier that our ship is less than a foot narrower than the lock and when I looked down the sides, that was MOST certainly the case, WOW.

The bottom photo you can see my shoe, then to the left the glass & the white of the boat, then a very small dark space - that's the gap between the ship and the concrete.
The top photo is a close up....the concrete on the top, the sliver of space, and the edge of the ship

Nearly everyone was watching from either the actual front of the ship on Deck 3 where we were or right behind us on Deck 4 which had an overlook.  And at the docks, they even had a protected grandstand that was filled with people watching!  Quite the event for the area to see our big ship sail through :)

The after dinner concert - what a setting....WOW

It was certainly a cool experience.  One last set of photos for the day.  When Kim and I sailed on the Rhine River a few years ago they announced that their signature restaurant on the Viking Oceans, "Manfredi's" was serving a sample meal on the Aquavit Deck, so we went up and enjoyed it.  We made a mental note to try the real deal when we boarded a Viking Oceans vessel.  In Norway we ate there three times, and on the Mediterranean we ate there FOUR times.  So when we boarded this ship and they too had a Manfredi's we told our friends Tom & Mary Pat it was a MUST DO.  We've been there twice already and will go back tomorrow for our final night's dinner.  JUST THE BEST!

So nice.....someone has to do it :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Day 5: Georgian Bay, Ontario - Frazer Bay

 July 20

After four straight very active days, today was a much more laid back day.  And honestly, considering how very active the day was yesterday we were very content with that.  The one booked activity for today, which we were excited about was a submarine dive.  At yesterday's briefing our program director, Nikki, mentioned during the briefing that with the weather forecast for rain, but especially high wind gusts, there was a distinct possibility of having to cancel the on-water activities which would mean our submarine dive would be called off.  On the one hand, the few people who we have heard talk about this experience said there really wasn't anything to see in this area via the sub, so to have it cancelled would not be a big deal.  But on the other hand - like most activities we are enjoying - we wanted to take a "test run" on the sub here before doing that in November while on our Antarctica adventure.  Finally at about 11:15 am - about 45 minutes before our scheduled dive - Nikki came on the intercom and announced that the wind gusts were too strong and all submarine excursions were cancelled.

Today's excursion on the submarine....cancelled

One lesson we've learned as we've traveled all over the place is that when travelling, you just have to "go with the flow!"  And so our "excursion" for today took us to the Spa!  Now, Kim is a Spa veteran and uses the steam room often (with or without a workout ahead of time).  But for me it was a couple of firsts......#1 actually spending time there more than just looking in to see it; and #2 we both tried the "Snow Grotto" where snow actually falls from the ceiling to cool you down.  And let me tell you, that is some C-O-L-D snow!!!!!  

The girls and their champagne.....BEFORE dinner & wine & wine & wine.....

And because we didn't have any adventures OFF the ship I thought today would be a good day to take some photos of the ship where we've been hanging out to share.  So here are some ship highlights.....

Our home for the week - Penthouse Veranda Stateroom #4016

The Explorer's Lounge - it has two levels, one with a panoramic lookout over the front of the ship on the top level, and then the bottom level with the bar and several areas for seating, including a piano area where live music is usually on display in the early evening when people - like us - are having cocktails prior to the briefing on the next day's activities.

The World Cafe - this buffet style restaurant is a cut above most cruise ship buffet areas and serves as the eating spot for breakfast, lunch, and for many people their evening meal.

The Aquavit Terrace - at the far end of the World Cafe is the Aquavit Terrace.  All Viking ships (river, ocean, and expedition) have this al fresco outdoor dining area.  We enjoy having lunch and often coffee in the morning here.  On this ship, there is also the infinity pool where you can get in the pool indoors, then swim to the outside part of the pool.

There are many areas where you can just relax, two of which are "The Library" and "The Living Room."

Sunset to end another great day.

Day 7: Silver Islet

 July 22 Today we arrived at Silver Islet, Ontario which is just a short distance from our final destination (Thunder Bay) where our adventu...